Ephesus Port tour guide

Asklepios of Ephesus

Asclepios of Ephesus

While the healing god Asclepius is not a major player in Greek mythology, he is a pivotal one. Counted as one of the Argonauts, Asclepius came into contact with many of the major Greek heroes. Asclepius was also a causal figure in a drama played out between Apollo, Death, Zeus,...

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Public Baths of Ephesus

Public Baths of Ephesus

There were several baths in Ephesus Ancient City. Today the most visible ones are the ”Basilica Baths” on the upper entrance of Ephesus and ”Scholastica Baths” in the middle of Ephesus. Lower baths are much better preserved than any other baths in the ancient city. Taking a bath was not...

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